To Infinity…And Beyond

This was the view from my kitchen window this morning. Some sort of imminent extraterrestrial visitation was the image that popped into my head when I saw it. 

It's been a quiet day here on Wildwood. Despite gloves and layers of down, we elected to skip our post walk Sunday visit to Flying Goat coffee to come home to thaw out our fingers. I began the job of dismantling the Christmas decorations, but, feeling dispirited, OilMan suggested brunch at the Spinster Sisters. Beer, steak and roasted veggies and eggs for OilMan, and a peach and sparkling wine drink and  poached eggs with hollandaise, prosciutto avocado and arugula for me.

We felt a lot better when we got home. Or perhaps just better about leaving the  half decorated house in a mess for another day….

We're off to deliver Peter's Christmas present which finally arrived, and have a demonstration of Jim's Star Wars robot which he and Will went and got to fill the empty box.

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