MonoMonday - Room 101

The Mono Monday theme for today is " something you would like locked away in Room 101 - an object or situation that bugs you and you’d like to see stay locked up and away for good."  This was suggested by Skeena

I have chosen the bus timetable.  The bus service round here is pretty poor and unreliable.  The timetable might as well not exist as more often than not the buses do not run to time. The bus timetable changed in October and instead of 4 buses an hour there are now only 3 buses an hour.  Another bus which used to run to Newcastle via The Metrocentre has been taken off altogether.  So even if the buses did run on time it would still be a worse service than we had before October.  So this is a situation the bugs me.  And judging by the local residents Facebook page it bugs a lot of others too.

After the two recent losses by my football team Newcastle United I was very tempted to put them into Room 101. But maybe they deserve to keep on trying. 

I have had a slightly more active day today.  I walked down to the village early afternoon to get a bit of shopping in Tesco.  Then back down there at 5.30pm to go to Slimming Club.  Hardly anyone there this evening.  I put on 2 ½ pounds.  Not surprising seeing how many chocolates I ate over Christmas.

Neil went to work at 4pm and he will be back at his own place until Saturday.  Its been lovely having him here over Christmas.  So a few days on my own until Becky and Mike arrive on New Years Eve. 

Steps today - 9,253

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