Lamb Shank Sunday

Yes, it is me. I said I would blip if I had a photo to share or something to say and having visited Cambridge yesterday with the family, I thought this one worthy. Actually, what I've decided to do in order to allow me to continue with my 365 books which I want to leave as a legacy is to post just once a week, on a Sunday, which will give me a 52 page book at the end of 2016.

I've said before that I don't do New Year's resolutions, but I do like to set myself a challenge. This year, I'm planning on cycling cost to coast, Whitehaven to Tynemouth. Strangely, no one wants to join me. Any takers here?

Why 'Lamb Shank Sunday'? Because Andrew has invited us all to dinner and he's cooking one of his two signature dishes, Lamb Shanks in Guinness. The other is Bolito Miso which is OK, but I'm much happier with Lamb Shanks. 

My week

Well it only consists of 3 days but they have been a good 3 days. Get together at Rachel and Ross's on New Years Day, 3rd year in a row for those that remember my first ever blip entitled 'Crack den discovered in Luton', so fast becoming a bit of an institution. Created my 2015 365 book on the 2nd which took an age as I had to remove all of the unwanted data, edit the narrative so that I had a page a day, change the formatting of headers and spell check everything. I think I did a good job but then what do I go an do? I only put 2016 on the spine of the book instead of 2015. F*ck. You can imagine how that messed with my OCD. And finally, a trip to Cambridge yesterday which was very nice especially as the rain that had been promised didn't materialise until we were back in the car making our way home.

Also worthy of a mention is the fact that Diana brought herself some trainers, gym pants, gym shirt and waterproof top to go power walking. Good on her.

Stuff that got me thinking

Watched the 'Saphires' on New Year's Eve, a film about an all girl Aboriginal group from the 60s. Light hearted entertainment but what struck me was the back story on one of the girls who was abducted by the authorities and fostered by a white family. Why, because she looked more white than black. Why was this necessary? It wasn't, it was part of some misguided government scheme the real reasons for which appear to be hotly disputed but vary between saving children from abuse to preserving the Aboriginal race. The whole episode is referred to as the 'Stolen Generation' and this practice continued right up to the late 1960s. Unbelievable.

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