
By pensionspoet

Morrisons in guilty pleasure?

Up early but torrential rain. Dogs wouldn't even go out into the garden. I forced them!

Work was busy. A lunchtime trip to the post office and a couple of other places. The afternoon went too quickly and I still didn't get round to completing what I had set out to do. It's always been like that in pensions it seems. Just not enough time. And I'm not even doing everything I should be doing yet! Left at 5.15.

In the door and straight to the kitchen. Dogs & cat fed, then chicken chopped for a korma. I promised Henry I would make it with just chicken & sauce! I fried some onions for myself and added them after I'd dished his up.

Then I washed up and drove to Morrisons in Cromer. I wanted birthday cards. I bought birthday a few necessary bargains! Don't you just love a bargain? I do. Following on from my 9p fresh kipper bargain at Christmas, I bought a loaf 9p, six crusty rolls 9p, and 2 packets of cranberry & cinnamon muffins - you guessed it - 9p each! (Must be 9p day again) Then I used the self service till where a lovely man helped me several times when the machine wasn't playing ball (I'd taken my own bags!) I have noticed they employ slightly older staff, which is a really good thing. This man was so cheery and we had a laugh at the end of a mundane Thursday. He said as I left 'see you again love, it's a bit of fun isn't it?' Bless him. Great to see someone happy in their job. Well done the man on the self service tills at Cromer Morrisons tonight!

Home at 8.20 ish I took the dogs up the road getting back in at 9. I donated one of my packets of 9p muffins to the olds next door! I know - my generosity knows no bounds! They were pleased... Dad tried to pay me :-) I said it was a present. I am hard up these days...but things haven't got to that stage yet!

So at last I got to sit down with a cup of tea to do my blip.

Friday tomorrow. Yaaay. Hoping I get a decent nights sleep tonight. Last night I had a horrible nightmare. So bed, I think!

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