wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Flower Friday

Friday yay
I was never one to do the whole thank god it's Friday thing. This week I am.
This is one of the last roses from Christmas. It's barely holding on. The flower box at work had some beautiful flowers today however,
I am way too cheap to buy flowers there.

Tomorrow we have a spoprano rehearsal for my chorus. I am really looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to going through my clothing as next week at work we have a clothing swap. Any articles that are not "swapped" will be used by the emergency room for their patients. We are a Trauma one center and often the patients brought in have to have their clothing cut off or they are ruined. There is a closet of sorts for clothing for these patients. This is a great way to replenish the supply.
I have a plethora of clothing in every size from a 6 to a 12. I think I can kiss the 6s goodbye!
First of the year, cleaning out is a good thing. I may have a big pile to blip!

So I am heading off to bed early. I will try to catch up with comments first.
I am trying to do every day as I am days away from 2 years!
So g'day down under and good night to the north

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