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Up at a reasonable time and a cup of tea back in bed once Bailey was released from his crate to join me. He snoozed for longer than I did but our walk was delayed waiting in for a delivery. Once it had arrived and my indoor estimation of the weather was disproved, we went out for a walk around the big block. Home to do some weekend jobs and to set up one of two gadgets purchased this week: a TV-related gizmo to make catching up on things I've missed more straightforward. My second gadget purchase made lunch - soup in 21 minutes and part of the plan for work-day lunches. 

A long walk around the biggest block with Bailey this afternoon in a bid to wear him out before leaving him this evening. He wasn't able to be a part of an invite for cinema and burger with the bestest friend and family. We saw The Danish Girl which was beautiful - the acting, the locations, the paintings, the costumes, the colours (or lack of them at times) and the ending. Tears from all and a lasting impression.

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