Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The falls below Hareshaw Linn

Hareshaw Linn is a famous local waterfall, accessed by a short walk from Bellingham. I went to see how it looked after the recent rainfall. There is more water than usual in the river, but the levels have gone down significantly since last week.

I always find the lower falls more interesting to photograph than the waterfall itself so that is what you see here. There are 2 versions of the same image. The second is a crop of the first. Please view on the black background and tell me what you think. (I have also added Hareshaw Linn itself for completeness.)

I have used a polariser and slowed the shutter speed enough to show the direction of flow in the water. It was very peaceful and beautiful there today.

Off to Photo Club tonight. I have images in the print competition. It's always interesting to hear what the judge has to say, even if I don't agree.

Incidentally Hareshaw Burn was the site of two blast furnaces established in 1833. At the peak of its operation it also contained seventy coke ovens, twenty four large roasting kilns for calcining the iron ore, a range of coal stores, a black-smiths shop, wagon shed, stables and stores.The ironworks were in continuous production until 1848.Ten years later the plant was auctioned and many of the buildings demolished. Nature has reclaimed the area now.

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