Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

His Royal Redness - Yard Bird # 5

I decided to repeat my fifth yard bird of the year, the northern cardinal because 1) he was just too beautiful to pass up, and 2) most of my other pics today were crap.  (I blipped the female cardinal 7 January).  It had just started to snow when I took this and the light was fading fast, so I was hunkered down on our deck, ISO cranked up to 1250,  aperture opened up to 4.5 and shutter slowed down to 1/500.  And even after that, I had to brighten this in post.  But, hey you take what you can get some days.

Had a great long chat with my parents this morning, who are enjoying warm weather in southern AZ.  After that, I took out my little soft box, rigged up some lights and tackled the Emma Davies white-on-white exposure challenge again.  I have now, officially, learned more about Lightroom in the last 5 days than I'd learned in the last 5 months!  I'm posting one of those shots in Extra if you'd like to have a look. 

Not much else to report on this frigid winter day in New Jersey...


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