Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiny Traveler

What better choice for today's Blip than a Tiny Traveler, all packed up and ready to leave in the morning.  Unlike me.  Hey, at least I got the suitcase out and washed a load of laundry.  And I've settled on which camera/lens to take.  And then I spent too much time trying to stage today's blip ... finally decided to have Mauve walking across the boarding pass on my iPhone.  This is a composite of 7 images, focus stacked in Photoshop.  Could have spent a lot more time making it better, but sometimes you have to just walk away.  After all, there is that pesky packing that still needs to be done...

Hubs is still a little over 500 miles from home, so not sure if he'll try to drive straight through tonight or wait until morning to finish the trip.  And, although I want very much to see him, I would feel better if he stopped somewhere for the night.  The weather is dismal with freezing rain and fog.

As for me, I've got a car hired to take me to the airport in the morning, leaving here at 6:45 am.  By this time tomorrow, I'll be on the last leg of my trip, almost to Tucson where parental hugs await.  I plan to enjoy the heck out of the next 5 days because when I get back, things are going to get very hectic as we finalize plans to move my MIL up here.

Now, I had better get upstairs and get serious about packing some things for the trip!

Thanks to JensPhotos for hosting TinyTuesday this week!  


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