Flower Friday 29 500 blips...

...another special number reached at last!  For those who blip daily, this would amount to less than 2 years of blipping but it's taken me 3 years and 6 months!  I did have a slow start and was lacking in confidence at first, but I soon realised what a special site this is.  Yes it is about photographs, of course, but so much more; the chance to create a journal, recording the sad and bad times as well as the good, the support and friendship of other blippers, who in turn allow me to see into their lives.  These things have become so important too.
So thank you to all who take the time to look at and comment on my journal, which thanks to the 'Fab Four' will be able to continue,   hopefully for a very long time!

Posting late - yet again- as I ran out of time yesterday evening!

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