A Walk On The Wild Side

I walked around Seventy Acres Lake today. The wind was singing in the power lines, changing tune slightly as the strength varied. The trees creaked and cracked and shed twigs. The air was thick with reed fluff. I stood on the footbridge, which was being buffeted alarmingly, waiting for waterfowl to take to the air.

This swan took off and found it so hard going that it landed immediately in a very ungainly fashion. Gulls were squabbling over nesting material as I had seen cormorants doing yesterday. A pair of muntjac came crashing through the undergrowth onto the path. At first I thought it was a tree coming down. My pics show their very sharp "tusks" (downward-pointing canine teeth.)

I met expert birder Dave and we walked back to our cars together having an interesting chat. He is getting used to me and isn't as shy. 

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