The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Frosty morning, back step

The frost was melting fast even as I downed my coffee. I don't work for anyone except myself on a Thursday, but today's mission was to visit the minor injuries unit at my local hospital. Something I did yesterday wrenched my shoulder badly. The nurse confirmed it was a rotator cuff injury and made me do all kinds of things with my arm that hurt like hell. She told me to keep exercising it where possible, and take paracetamol as well as ibuprofen. I didn't even know that was allowed!

My first question was
' how long will this take to heal?'
And her answer was,
'How long is a piece of string?'

At this point I fully expected Bob Dylan's song to start playing.... I do expect him to go next, while we're on the subject of music legends and celebs popping their clogs.

I haven't done much for the rest of the day, apart from cancelling all my massage clients, watching catch up TV, and Taking it to the Limit by attempting to hold a cup of tea, raise and lower it with my right arm. Reader, I did it!

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