An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A sudden improvement in the acoustics!

As a result of our new hall curtains. I'm afraid to close them after all the fuss of getting the folds in the right place! LOL!

At last I have caught up with myself! All that back blipping is exhausting!

For those of you so inclined, my back blips start HERE.

So another rainy day but I am not complaining...oh no, I mean look how lush and green everything is. The rain is I sound convincing??!

Nothing exciting to report today...Tesco delivery this morning so I can head off on holiday knowing there is food in the house to come home to. And I bought some wine to take to France. I know, I daft is that?! But it will be Bastille Day when we arrive and all the shops will be closed so we won't be able to buy any!! Can't spend the first night of our holiday with no wine!

See, not such a daft idea after all! ;-))

Got a little more ironing to do this evening and stuff to organise. Alan is such a fussy eater we always take tons of Ambrosia custard and Heinz ravioli with us to France.....30 x 1kg cartons of custard and 30 x 400g tins of Heinz ravioli to be precise!!!

The woman in Tesco in Perth now thinks David has a bit of a custard and ravioli fetish! LOL! I made him go and get it in person as I was worried the online order would be short.

And I have spent so long backblipping, dinner is now very late so going to dash off and get it sorted. Be back later I hope! :-)))

Oh.....just seen a year ago's blip!! I cannot believe it is a year since
Turdgate! hahahahahaha!!!

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