
We have just got in from a long day trip to Milton Keynes.  I'm exhausted!!
Mr K took them to Miss E's swimming this morning and then to Harris + Hoole for their first meal out of the day.
We went to John Lewis first for Mr K to return a jumper, to buy some sewing scissors for me and a stitch unpicker (which I suspect will be much needed!)
Obviously we had to have Moroccan chicken for lunch. The Little Misses had picnic boxes. They were giddy to be allowed to sit at the high tables. Mean Mummy doesn't let them but Daddy's far more fun!
From there it was to Waterstones for some lovely book browsing. Miss E had a voucher (from last year's birthday!!) so she bought a couple of dragon adventure books, I bought a book with 25 beginners sewing projects in and Miss L bought a Meg and Mog book. At one point we were all sat on the floor in the children's book section reading our books and I thought to myself we must do this more. Some of the tat they buy with their pocket money and they'd just as happily buy books!
Then it was to Ikea for some furniture buying. A desk for Miss E and a drawer unit for Miss L. And lots of fabric for me, a new pillow, some flamingo glasses, and loads of picture frames.
The Little Misses begged to go into the creche which they've never even mentioned before. They loved it and Mr K and I had a lovely hour in the cafe, lounging in armchairs and drinking tea! 
We were there so long we decided to have dinner. Meatballs and chips for us, picnic boxes for the Little Misses. 
Not the healthiest of days for them but as Miss L said "we can eat healthier after Miss E's birthday".
Miss E's birthday is over a month away!!!

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