The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Healing Spring?

Back in Stroud: someone has tied bits of old shoelace to the bars that surround the spring that bubbles up at the corner of Spring Lane and Field road. I think this is indicative of the nature-based religious practice of leaving rags as prayer offerings to the water, or spirit guardian of the water, in return for healing. I don't think it's a beautiful look, but Helen thinks it's ugly and that leaving a plant there would be more fitting and respectful.

I am just glad that someone else has noticed the spring and decided to try out the healing properties (though getting at the water would be difficult, and round here I tend to drink only from the sources at the heads of the valleys). I don't love the shoelaces, but those asking for healing don't always have access to the loveliest of textiles.

I suppose it boils down to whether one believes in the healing power of water, or the right of others to practise their faith in an unaesthetic manner ... I have a feeling that whoever left these rags here is in desperate need of something. I hope they find the help they need.

And if it's the work of a prankster? I was young, once....

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