Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This is the one I've been waiting for ... a close up of one of the red-bellied woodpecker babies! I had hoped for some parental feeding, but I think that may have concluded when I was in OR. This morning, I saw young RBW at the suet feeder on the deck but I didn't have time to grab my camera before he took off. Then, this afternoon as I was enjoying a cup of tea on the deck, he flew up and grabbed some suet. I had BD at hand and was able to get off a handful of shots before he left. I think he is awkwardly gorgoues, don't you? His red head is still but a wish and he looks a bit scrawny and gangly, but still cutter than a button!

While he was at the suet feeder, the sound of blue jays in the trees reached a crescendo. Mom, Dad and all the fledglings were up in the trees and the kids were begging as if they were about to die. One of the parents would fly in and grab a peanut, and while he/she was flying to a tree, six young 'uns would fly right behind, squawking and squealing. At one point, I saw a second parent swoop in, grab a peanut and fly in the other direction - who could blame him/her? Anyway, one of the Jay kids was finally brave enough to fly down to the peanut bowl on the deck. He is beyond adorable - all awkward and gangly looking with little pin feathers still sticking out. I was torn on which to blip today - the 'pecker or the jay. I opted for the RBW because I am less likely to see a lot of him; whereas the blue jays will be hanging around for a while.

I have posted another shot of the RBW, some hummie shots, and several adorable Master Blue Jay shots on blipfolio so have a look if you're of a mind.

Meanwhile, I suggest Master RBW in Adorable Large!

Mimsy said that she is "chuffed" about all the acclaim she received yesterday and she is now demanding organic fruit. Can you believe it???

Happy Thursday, Blippers.

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