Break the Mould

2years 266days

A late entry for a mini Thursday Challenge some friends set - take a shot you wouldnt normally take. This one was an accidental, it was a "mummy didnt reset the camera when we headed into the dark wooded area" but I rather liked the end result.

Little Miss seems to be sleeping a bit better now - more consistantly sleeping through now, all be it till the early hours of the morning. She woke up really hungry this morning and had to have her breakfast "right now, Mummy. I get you out of bed. Dont you go to sleep Mummy". It was 5am.

She wanted to ride her bike again to nursery, she is pretty speedy on it now, although she wont yet put her feet on the rests and just let it glide. She doesnt like the idea that I take it home with me though.

When I left her, she was wobbly again this morning and it took them a little longer to settle her, but its been a few weeks since she's done several nursery days in one week, its just how this week has had to work out. It is also her first day without Brooke there, which she knows is the case so I am hoping she still has a happy day. She was chatting about another girl in her room so hopefully she will be there for her to play with.

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