Baby Banksia

It's Tiny Tuesday and I'm delighted that lizellen from Nelson in New Zealand has thrown her hat in the ring to host the challenge for the month of March.  I decided that I would try and capture the essence of a baby banksia flower when it's just starting out in life.  They are such an intricate and intriguing flower and a wonderful macro subject.  They have an incredible life cycle and even when they are past their best can be very photogenic.  By the way - this is an image taken looking from above the flower.  I'll take an image over the next few days of the flower side on.

"Blackheath Blipping" Photographic Exhibition.
It was a huge morning for the "Blackheath Blippers".  A group of us gathered at the National Parks and Wildlife Heritage Centre in Blackheath to organise the "Hanging" of our images for our exhibition.  Our opening is this coming Saturday and as I've mentioned before, many of us are exhibiting for the first time in our lives!!  It is so, so exciting and honestly I can't wait to post images later when the show is in full swing.  It looked fantastic at the end of the day and really showcases the diversity and skills that exist within our lively bunch of Blippers!!  We'll all be keeping you posted on how it goes I'm sure!

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