

Busy day. Long day. Productive day. Cold day.


Waking up at 6:30 after a good 7+ hours sleep. A good breakfast. A good lunch. Trying a new dinner recipe (encouraging enough result to try it again). ERCI beating Nürnberg at ice hockey (I think ERCI's playoff slot is now guaranteed, with only 2 games left). Coffee at the harbour (again, too cold to hang about Blipping). The checkout woman at Lidl (we always exchange a smile and a friendly word.)  

I'm sure I'll find other positives about the day. That's just a snapshot. Sorry, couldn't resist that one...

19:45 is when I was able to kick off my shoes and put my feet up.

The Blip is the product of my outing to Lidl after dinner. The wine is for Rotary tomorrow morning. No, not party time - the raffle prize. The chocolate is almost gone.     

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