Tonight's skyshow

Not as early rising this morning, and on a walk to get the Sunday newspaper, I saw little to enthuse. The paper was less enthusing, as the world news was mostly about the runaway loco-motive  called Donald Trump. The more it looks like he will be the Republican party candidate, the more I fear for the world my grandchildren will inhabit. It's bad enough as it is, but those who support Mr Trump appear to be concerned only for their own small self interests, and the (albeit remote) possibility of becoming wealthy enough to take resources from others who actually need them more. Daughter J has just obtained a book (? journal) called Salvage #1. I want to read it; a brief summary appears to be a prediction that things have to get so bad that the only thing to do is to salvage civilisation from the ruins.

Most of the day spent on reading the last agenda papers. Saw some aerobatic planes as I had lunch. Unsatisfied with my pictures of them. Dinner of omelette and salad on the deck with a grand skyshow to cheer the spirits.

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