
Last night's forecast had mentioned the possibility of an air frost, so my intention was to get up early to catch it. Well, I woke a few times in the early hours but when I got up just after 8 o'clock it had of course disappeared! There was a lot of mist on the reservoir though which looked interesting, but didn't look so good in my photos. Never mind maybe I can try again tomorrow!

Lots of bird song and horror of horrors, people!! During the week I mostly have the place to myself in the mornings and always forget about weekends. I heard and saw a chiffchaff singing his chiffchaff song which is delightful, but he wouldn't stay still enough for me to get a good shot. Saw and heard more Wrens and Long-tail tits too, but all too fast and far away. There were more mallards about on the water and I even snapped a very blurry Moor-hen, which surprised me as we don't tend to get them round here.
I caught this lovely Robin on the entrance/exit fence to the reservoir. It was taken on full zoom again and the back ground is a car parked outside the house on the other side of the road. I've cropped it and farknarkled with it as I could still see the steering wheel and dashboard in the background.

The last couple of days I've noticed the Marsh Harriers are doing their sky- dancing around our way. I got a really blurred shot yesterday but would love to get something closer and sharper!
This afternoon we went out for a walk down at Les Mielles, a nature reserve near home. Normally we don't see much, if any wildlife at all, but this time we saw tufted ducks on the pond and a female Marsh Harrier sitting amongst the reeds. I've put it into extras because although not perfect, this is the closest shot I've managed so far. 


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