This, God, is Lavender

Poem today is based on a saying by Simone Weil, "The real aim is not to see God in all things, it is that God, through us, should see the things that we see." The Irish poet, Kerry Hardie, then takes God through a "Sheep Fair Day", letting him use her senses to understand what is going on:

I took God with me to the sheep fair. I said, 'Look,
there's Liv, sitting on the wall, waiting;
these are pens, these are sheep,
this is their shit we are walking in, this is their fear.
I let God sip tea, boiling hot, from a cup,
and I lent God my fingers to feel how it burned
when I tripped on a stone and it slopped.
'This is hurt,' I said, 'there'll be more.'

Love the concept of taking God with me through my day... this, God, is our dirty, smelly car, and this is water that cleans it, and this good smell is essential lavender oil, so that we can take our landlords in it tomorrow.
And then I showed him where the bus stop is and we met our Australian guests and I lent him my ears to hear their different accent. And this is hot tea, it's friendly and makes you feel better when you drink it. And this feeling is disappointment - our landlords can't make it after all. And all this beauty is the Alentejo countryside, with flowers of every colours scattered around, and this, God, is lavender - lean down and smell - see, it's like the smell in the car...

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