
Rumi was a happy camper down on the beach this morning...he seems to of turned a corner...the scabs and sores seem to be going however he still stinks to high heaven (even after a bath) and he is still scratching...but we live in hope and really it is rather difficult to get anything done when toes fingers arms and legs are crossed.......I am praying that he doesn't get too sick again.

When I got home Flynn came running out to show me the fabulous pic he took on his camera of the cat (who I am still not speaking to and still cross with)....he has been practicing his photography all by himself......he was very proud of himself and to be fair they really were quite good.
The kid has been a prince this afternoon taking care of his Mum who has been sneezing herself into the stratosphere with allergies...Ive been busy.....and feeling rather smug at all the stuff I have got done today...especially after the non event of yesterday.

My internet just crashed and this is the second time I am trying to post this...I lost everything before....its still slower than a wet week grrrr!

“Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art.”
-Maya Angelou

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