Youthful Vigour

My family are determined for me not to be alone. As Forrest took a 6.30am train to head off to Marbella for the long weekend, so Roam and Shenny arrived in Ilkley at the same time after an overnight coach journey from London. They've been looking after me today, or at least delighting me in their company and youthful vigour.

We've had a lovely time - although I was quite exhausted come the end of the afternoon and needed to take a nap. The evening drifted into watching a few TED talks, which stimulated quite a bit of thought and discussion. Perhaps more on that tomorrow if I can get my head into some kind of gear. 

These two are very much easier on the eye than myself but I am healing. A week ago it looked a lot worse than it felt. I have to admit that it now feels a lot worse than it looks!

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