Easter Sunday, 1954

Dear Diary,

This old photograph was taken at my dear aunt and uncle house in Brighton, Massachusetts where we often went for Sunday dinner.  That's me in the center dressed in my Easter finery, my brother on the right (love the hat!) and my little cousin on the left with his sweet dog "Freckles".

Easter meant a new spring dress and shoes and a new hat as well.  An "Easter Bonnet" was mandatory as were the white gloves that would round out the ensemble.  There were two dress shops in my town and even one shop that sold only hats.  I loved going in there and trying on the latest styles.  Now, I only where hats to keep the sun off my head when I'm in the garden!

Hats and gloves on Sunday were completely out of fashion by the mid-1960's but it is a fond memory for me.  Celebrating Easter is one of my favorite parts of the liturgical calendar and I will be off in a little while to St. Andrews-in-the-Valley, without the hat and gloves I must say.

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