An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Loft Living...


Anyone who knows me will know I did not take this shot so I will confess and admit it was taken by David.

This is our newly floored loft.  The area behind where David was standing (or kneeling I suspect) to take this shot, is already floored so we now have an even bigger amount of storage space.

It doesn't look like this now however, as after breakfast David, Ele, Kenny and my nephew Andrew and his girlfriend Nikki (who were passing and got roped into helping ;-)  spent the afternoon getting all the stuff out the games room that had been moved out of the loft so it could be insulated and floored) back into the loft and into properly organised piles.  

I should have gotten David to take an after pic (I'll ask him next time he's up there to do that) but they tell me that it's not looking quite so empty and spacious now.

I feel a huge sense of relief that it's done as that means the games room is ready for the building work to begin.  Well apart from one corner which is full of bags and boxes of family photos that I need to sort out once and for all.  Oh and a full size, mint condition snooker table with overhead light gantry.

If any of you are looking for a full size snooker table, or know anyone who does, it's yours for free.  You just have to come and remove it.

After all that hard work it was takeaway for dinner and easter eggs for afters.

A satisfying day :)

See extra photo -  When I went through to the utility room, this was the sight that greeted me!  Ed had left a little note on the mop that was used to clean Alan's wet room floor.  It''s now a non-mop :-)    Note to self - remember to buy a new one!

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