An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Afternoon (De)Light...

Good grief, today has gone by in a flash!!

The morning is too boring to dwell on but this afternoon was quite exciting....well in a weird sort of a way :-))

After getting the tenders returned for our building project and being quite despondent at how over budget they all were, this afternoon was the first chance we'd had to meet with the Architect and QS to go over the tenders and see where we could amend the spec to make it all fit within budget again.

Meeting began at 2.30pm and sustained by doughnuts, cookies, coffee and mini Easter eggs, it ended at 6.00pm with the good news that we've managed to rein it in enough to still have a garden room as part of the project.  This time last week I really though that part of it would have to be ditched.

We are pretty certain we know which builder will be awarded the contract so the QS will meet with them on the next week then we will all get together and go over the job again, hopefully identifying more savings.

After being pretty down about the whole thing, I'm now excited again and itching to get cracking (remind me I said that when I'm knee deep in dust and haven't had a working kitchen for 6 weeks! :-) 

I went into the kitchen just as the meeting ended to me met with the sunlight coming in the kitchen window and I liked how it landed on the vase of tulips and the pictures on the wall.  Blip done.

Phew, now I've caught up with my own journal entries, I will do my best to catch up with yours but it's after midnight so I suspect that will have to wait till tomorrow.

Night night lovelies xx

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