Half And Half

This green shield bug has just come out of hibernation and is still showing some of its bronze, winter, camouflaging colouration. (I've added one to extras which is still very dark.)

My bugs are on 'Melanie' ivy. (Gratuitous Melanie song for the likes of MichaelPlaice. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5LzOlNZPCc ) I love this purple-tinged, ruffled form. Unfortunately it is not as hardy as other ivies and suffers in cold winds and frosty weather. Half of the leaf in my pic has died.

Shield bugs are also known as stink bugs, not that I've ever noticed their smell. I've read that when one is blackberrying and tastes one that is a bit off the stinky trail of a shield bug is responsible. However some cultures, Mexico for instance, like the taste, considering it aromatic. They eat the bugs raw and cooked there.

Before I bought my Honda S2000 I was seriously into extreme cooking and baking and watched Master Chef obsessively. Thomasina Miers won in 2005 with her Mexican inspired recipes. She made a great impression on me. My daughter, granddaughter and I are going to Bluewater next Monday for my granddaughter's birthday blow-out. I'd like us to have lunch in one of Thomasina's Wahaca converted VW campers. Hope shield bug isn't on the menu. :) 


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