Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Warrior

In spite of it being a blustery cold day, I am spoiled for choices for a blip.  After some hemming and hawing, I decided on this one because the backstory is interesting.  

Male cardinals are highly territorial during the breeding season, which is starting now.  This morning as I was sitting in the kitchen looking into the garden, I saw two pairs of cardinals, at opposite ends of the garden.  Just as I was thinking to myself "hm, that seems way too close for mutual comfort", this one went after the second male.  A quick aerial battle ensued (way too quick for me, especially through the window) with one male landing on knocked to the ground and this guy  on a branch and doing a series of impressive territorial displays.  He then chased the second male out of the yard.  I imagined him saying "and don't come back!"  Not a great quality pic as it was taken through the window but I still like it.  Decided not to crop it much as I also liked the negative space around him.

And no sooner had the cardinal wars simmered down, then the bluebirds showed up, although only two today.  Madame set about working on the nest in the butterfly garden while Monsieur sang, preened and occasionally went into the box to inspect Madame's work.  I was tempted to blip a picture of Madame, but instead put two shots on Flickr:
Madame with some nice bedding materials
Madame taking a lunch break (and no, that isn't a mealworm - it's something she found in the woods)

And to give equal time to Monsieur and the Titmice...
Titmouse, the very definition of cute
Monsieur, with a tasty morsel

Meanwhile, the chickadees have focused their attentions on a wren box that I moved back into a clearing in the woods.  They are busy working on the entrance hole, which apparently they think is too small.  Every year, they give serious attention to this box and then eventually reject it in favor of a larger bluebird box.  I'm thinking to see if Hubs can enlarge the hole just a bit and then maybe they'll use it this year.  But, in the meantime, I've added a fifth bluebird box to the yard.  (Yes, I know, that brings me to 7 boxes, which may qualify me as a crazy-bird-lady...)

We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow so I'll be covering the primroses and English daisies tonight before I go to bed tonight.  Who knows, maybe I'll get a few more snow pics tomorrow ... I'm trying to find the bright side here.  Meanwhile, in less than a week, I'll be basking in the warmth of Florida with some of my favorite blippers.

Happy Friday, people!

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