Big Chop Day!

So Its finally done!

Mr W and I met with lovely Karen for lunch before heading over to see her hairdresser who I can now reveal as the one and only Gogglebox Chris!!!

He was totally fabulous and every bit as funny as he is on TV. He did a great job on my hair having spent several hours on it and Im so pleased with it. I feel quite light headed after he chopped 13" off! 

Karen also had a quick trim, the first time since her hair has grown back after her chemo. Its actually Karen who inspired me to donate my hair. If she was brave enough to donate her hair before she lost it, then I certainly should have been.

Karen was also official photographer for the day and very kindly emailed them all over to me, but straight after the chop I delivered the 12" to the Little Princess Trust,  we then had to head from Brighton up to Enfield to babysit Jasmine while mum was seeing Jack Garrett, then my phone died, then we went to the cinema to see Jungle book, then I couldn't download the images from the emails so I will upload them tomorrow!!!

But here you have the friendliest hairdresser you will ever meet - honest!

I have finally backblipped some more!

And the total I have raised so far for the Little Princess trust is £530 but I will donate the cost of the haircut (that Chris wouldn't take!) to the final total!

Phew - what a day!

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