Pre Mono Monday - Diamond

As you probably know already, I've chosen "Diamond" as the Mono-Monday theme for this week, as it's the birthstone for April (see this link).

Mrs C kindly lent me her diamond engagement ring for today's blip. It's now just over 35 years since I gave it to her so it's wearing well (so is she!!) - although a few years ago she had a panic when she suddenly realised the diamond was missing - the little clasps which held it had broken away! She even tied a nylon stocking over the outlet from the drainpipe from the sink in case she'd lost it when washing her hands - but by good fortune she found it on the floor and was able to have the ring repaired. As the diamond's only about 3mm across she was so lucky to find it (she likes understated jewelry).

Anyway I hope you all have fun dreaming up your Mono-Monday blip. You'll probably be glad that this is my last week of hosting as I gather some folks have found my topics tricky although you've come up with some splendid interpretations so I'm not feeling too guilty :-)

Please feel free to interpret "Diamond" as broadly as you like - I think that's part of the fun. But equally well, I'm perfectly happy to see lots of photos of different actual diamonds - they're all unique and are so pretty. And please tag your entries MM118.

(PS For the techies out there, this is a 13-layer focus stack using my makeshift macro system and the clip-on LED lights - one day I'll get round to getting a proper macro lens, I promise!!)

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