Blowing in Beltane.

The Hawthorn is in full flower hereabouts, waving the May blossom to signal the arrival of Beltane, the beginning of summer and (if you believe the better reinventions of modern paganism) a time of passion and fertility.

Sumer is i-comin' in. Loudly sing! (Cuckoo!)

I was due to attend the Pagan Federation's 45th Anniversary celebrations in Brighton today, but a sore leg and the thought of a 350 mile round trip led me to stay local, and we celebrated on top of Wotton Hill where the silver band played in the season.

The clump of Corsican and Scots Pine trees mark the site of the ancient beacon which along with others warned of the Spanish Armada. The trees themselves were planted later to celebrate the victory at Waterloo. You can see my house from here... 

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