In the Chair

I took the Little Misses to school this morning, crawling along on my stupid spare tyre. From there I crawled to the garage in Milton Keynes. Thankfully making it in one piece.
Mrs C picked me up from there and we headed to Ikea for breakfast. Nothing better to eat on weigh-in day than a full English!!
We had a wander round and were very restrained, mostly only buying what we went for - a cereal container for Mrs C and a set of classic board games, and a spaghetti jar for me and a replacement flamingo glass for the one that cracked this morning. 
After a second visit to the cafe for more tea Mrs C dropped me back at the garage. As we didn't have an appointment  they'd said it could be any time before 6pm. Luckily for me it was ready about ten minutes after I got back. With four proper tyres and all shiny clean!
Then it was a dash home before dashing to Miss L's school for her, Miss E's school for her and then a dash to the dentist. Just making it in time!
It was pretty awful and depressing - as it always is when I take them and never is when Mr K takes them!!. Miss E had to have a small filling in one of her back teeth which doesn't have any enamel on it. She got distressed and it was awful.
Her adult teeth are discoloured and don't have enamel on and I can just see a future involving hideousness at the dentist, ludicrous expense and awful self consciousness about it.
Sigh. Why can't things just be easy for them?
A pound off at Fat Club. Although I cheated slightly and wore a skirt rather than my jeans so in reality I had probably stayed the same.
And obviously if I hadn't had the Ikea breakfast I'd have probably lost at least half a stone!!!

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