When I met Peter, the young photographer, last Saturday and we were chatting about Blip, I was telling him about the various challenges and the fact that I especially liked Abstract Thursday - Youoregon1 has got me hooked!

He was intrigued so I told him that I often set the timer, pressed the shutter and then swung my camera around by the strap - and then gave him a demonstration.  I wish that I had a photograph of his face, as my camera whizzed round my head - it was a joy to behold.  His comment was “Oh my days, whatever would you tell your insurance company if the camera just shot out of your hands?”  Well, it never has yet and if it does, then perhaps that’s the time I need to think about getting a new camera!

I wandered around the front garden this morning (in my pink robe) and decided that this beautiful little herb, which is flowering well, should have its moment of glory on Blip - so any guesses?

I am definitely feeling much better and yesterday spent a wonderful couple of hours in the garden, actually doing something - the first time for over 18 months and it felt so good.  I did wonder if I would suffer for it this morning, but having had a hot shower, I feel great, and the garden looks better too.

The abstract has no emotional content... 
     the abstract is more powerful 
          the more abstract it is. 
Cecil Balmond

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