Look Into My Eyes!!

Thank you so so much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts for my Foggy Jewels yesterday, it's made it to Page 2 of Popular!!

I was excited to read about the Abstract Thursday poster challenge and thought I'd do something related to Mono Monday. It was only when I read it again on someone's entry, that I realised it was supposed to be 'something from nothing'. Well this is obviously not 'something from nothing' but I like the colours and the direct look into the camera by TheAphid. I've tried playing with it a bit more in GIMP but it was looking too messy in the end.

The great tits continue to feed the chicks despite the wet foggy weather today. I tried getting some shots but they are too fast and the light has terrible today. The forecast is for it to improve over the next few years so here's hoping for some better shots!

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