Sunshine and Shadows

What a terrible night's sleep! I couldn't get to sleep last night until after 1am and then Miss L came in at some point in the early hours saying she'd had a bad dream and got in next to me. She was unusually clingy and completely wrapped herself around me. Lovely at a decent hour, pretty hideous in the middle of the night. She snored away while I lay there unable to get any more sleep.
She eventually took herself off to watch TV at 6am leaving me to try and get some feeling back in my arms and get the crick out of my neck. Uuughhh!!!!
I met Mrs C and Mrs J at Stowe this morning for a lovely walk. It was sunny and gorgeous and made me feel a bit more awake! 
We walked round the lake, got the buggy back up to the cafe and drank tea. Perfect!
I came home, mooched around for a bit and tried to stay awake until it was time to go to Miss E's school for their peripatetic music concert.
Mr K unexpectedly got home in time which was great. We met my dad there and enjoyed an hour of wonderful singing and flute, piano and cello playing. 
Miss E did so well I was so proud of her. I was chatting to her piano teacher - who is the same one she had at her old school! - and she was saying she can't believe how well Miss E has settled in.
Music to my ears!!

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