
TT was on strike today, so I persuaded him to get up early and take me for an early train, as I was heading to a meeting in Cambuslang. It was a grey day and very chilly.   I met a colleague in Edinburgh and we made the trip through to the west.  It did brighten up and it did seem to be a few degrees warmer through there than in the east.  I was back in the office for a couple of hours before heading home.  TT had to be in Edinburgh this evening so we did a child handover at the station.

Wednesday night is homework night – reading (which he did in the car as we drove home), maths, spelling and hand writing.  All done, but no cello!

I have baked a cake and wrapped some presents as it’s someone’s special day tomorrow.

That someone decapitated an allium recently.  I put it in a vase of water to see if it would come out – and it has.  Not the best blip, but I love the star flowers.

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