Cow Parsley

After the stress of yesterday I had a more relaxing day today!
From school I popped to Bicester to check my dad was OK. He was!
He was in town when I got there so I walked down to meet him. We went into WHSmith and bought magazines - Model Railway Geekiness for him and Geeky Monkey Geekiness for me and Mr K.
Watching him use the self service machine was quite something to behold!!
We went to the charity shops and I found a fab book about D-Day. We're supposed to be heading to Normandy on Thursday but with the French up to their usual tyre-burning-port-blockading-let's-all-go-on-strike loopiness it remains to be seen whether we make it or not.
I had a cup of tea with my dad and then came home for an afternoon of solid studying.
Well that was the plan.
What I actually did was catch up with yesterday's stressful blip, watch a bit of TV, eat a giant Spanish omelette, look at houses on RightMove and eventually write about ten words. God I'm useless!!!!
Miss E spent the evening teaching Miss L to play the piano. It was so sweet! Miss L actually played the first couple of tunes in the first book.
Miss E is always so reluctant to practise and isn't progressing at any great speed so we've been wondering whether just to give up on the lessons.
She said a couple of amazing things tonight. First of all that an elder girl before the concert last night had wished her luck and told her it was great to have lessons. She told Miss E not to make the mistake that she'd made by giving up.
Secondly, today in her class lots of them were playing tunes on the piano and apparently they could all do it without the music and sounded great. Miss E said it had "totally inspired her" to practise more and get better.
Those are words I never thought I'd hear!!!

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