With a twist!  In this case Animal!  With thanks to BikerBear :)

What are the chances of capturing Billy sniffing a flower?  Well I thought 'none'!  Until today that is, when having had many 'out takes' (in flickr), I had pretty much given up on the 'with a twist' until I saw him next to this plant.  I managed just two shots, neither of them particularly sharp, but thought one would do :)

Dr (back on HRT, as that's whats causing the boiling up/freezing episodes probably.  He thinks I came off too soon), followed by Dentist (got crown put back in, but of course now its as if I've a big lump in my mouth and its not comfortable :()  If it comes out again I'll have to have the root removed  and then a sort of 'denture' made, which I really don't want to go through....

After a rest when I got home, I've been doing some gardening and mowed the meadow (tiny grass patch 12 inches high!!).  Just as well because its been raining this evening...

K, my neighbour was so worried about Katie last night, that this morning she got up early and took her for an emergency assessment first thing. 

 Poor puss had lost one of her large teeth at the front ('canine' teeth?).  She had a dental today and now only has one 'canine' tooth left.  She's looking a bit battered and bruised, but is home and eating again, not allowed out for a few days (she is elderly and doesn't go out much anyway)...

Off on a trip out tomorrow and looking forward to it :)

Happy Friday folks :)

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