Gitama's World

By Gitama

Excuse My Puffin Passion...

After a good nights sleep we decided to hit the road and head for Ullapool...however the spanner I was complaining about the bad weather we had when we went searching for Puffins the guy at the front counter told us that if we backtracked for 20mins and headed off across the fields there was a spot where there was heaps of them guaranteed. I looked at Sleepyhead and bless him he said we could go.
After a trek across boggy peat marshland heather stuff  shurlping and squishing we finally got to the coast.
I looked over to the rock on which there was literally hundreds of the little guys and realised that I wasn't going to get any decent shots so I just sat and really was quite something..they are funny and so very very lovely.
After a while I started around the rim of the cliffs and to my surprise there were some within shooting range. After I told them that I had come a long way to see them and I thought they were just awesome they popped up here and there on several different occasions and my finger just kept on clicking was just amazing.
Keeping the whole thing real I did take a few pics of the coastline...which was also gorgeous and a stack that came out of the water.

3.5 hours later we got back to where we started and needed a cup of tea ...and a Victoria cake which was very yummy. I am glad I had them as it fortified me for the most amazing views of the Wild Scottish Highlands...everytime we turned a corner the view was just breathtaking........we stopped.....a lot.
Of course most of my pics just don't do the place justice and I am going to post quite a few today...I hope as I am on the ferry to Lewis at the mo and the internet is not so good...however I am not complaining....because there 
IS' internet.
I am running out of extra's quota jeez!.....oh well perhaps I will have to go back to posting one a day for a is just so hard to decide which.
What to say about the day....not a cloud in the sky and everyone running around in TShirts...we even met a lady from Canada who was having a dip in Loch na Thull......I might of been tempted myself had I my cozzies on me......hahahahahah good excuse that I didn't...apparenty it was freezing cold.
On the road we stopped at Loch Eriboll......Loch na Thull...Ceann na Eeinne...which had beautiful golden sands...Sangobeg Bay.....Tongue and Ardvreck Castle......I am waiting to post pics of them all but it seems as I have been writing that the internet has just stopped I might have to post later.
So please excuse my Puffin passion......I don't think I will be seeing anymore..however I do feel sated in that area now.
Off for some more adventures on Lewis and The Standing Stones of Callanish.

YAY! Just checked into our pad on Lewis and there is internet even though very slow.
I have not long back blipped the last few days...please check out the Italian is so lovely.  It seems that the internet here is only allowing me to post one pic but if interested to see some fabulous pics of the day head over to  Sleepyheads journal.

AN: After talking with Jaiya on Face Time last night....I learned that we have had really heavy storms at home.......a lot of our surrounding area has been flooded. Jayia and Flynn had to be evacuated........a brilliant adventure for the little guys (Rumi was a good boy). Apparently everything is OK.

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