Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Today I thought I'd go for a shot of ox-eye daisies but, like last time, it didn't quite happen as expected.  This painted lady butterfly very flirtatiously kept getting in the way.  Well how can you resist?  Especially as, although relatively common, we don't see many of them round here.  I think it's the first time I've blipped one.

Mosaic.  Yes.  Well don't you think the dark/white/yellow of the background fits rather well with the dark/white/orange of the butterfly?  Like tesserae, perhaps?  I liked the mono too, so have put that in extras.

Apart from that today was going into town to pick up the extension tube from the camera shop and bumping into my sis shopping for her US trip.  So we indulged in an iced coffee - it's a tough life :)

Happy Monday evening  xx

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