Start of a wild goose chase

Another terrible play on words following yesterday's "Variations on a Steam"

A packed day today. Cycled into town for the dentists, then walked back into town with Susan to take back some clothes and enjoy lunch. In the afternoon it was down to the allotment for a couple of hours weeding and planting out.

Back home I cooked dinner, dashing out again on the bike to buy lemons and pick elderflowers to make champagne. I managed to fit an hour in with the Marmite Ukulele Club while Susan was out at  her guitar lesson.

A late supper was rounded off by making elderflower champagne which is now resting in a large bucket beginning to ferment, I hope. As I said a packed day, but it pales into insigificance when measured against Nicoseannie's normal day......

Today's extra is of some goslings at the same spot.

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