Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Fiery Sunrise

Every night for the past few months I have been waking up between 2:00-2:30 am.  I tried to roll over this morning but I gave up after fifteen minutes and just got out of bed.

I did two loads of laundry (including folding, which I usually postpone for days), emptied the dishwasher and washed the dishes which had begun to pile up in the sink.  I wiped down my appliances and put a zillion papers away which were cluttering up the island.  Even took out the recycling.

I paid bills (for both mom and me) and finally got around to installing the Photoshop Elements 14 which I bought back in January.  Then I watched/read a slew of tutorials.

Sometime in between all of those things, the sun rose. The  dark, heavy clouds were remnants of the yucky weather we've had the past two days.  Now, five hours later, they are breaking up.  Through my window I see some blue sky and massive, white, billowing clouds. 
Shoot! That didn't last very long!

I still have errands to run including writing in my personal  journal and visiting mom. It was probably a good thing I got up at 2:30!

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