
I went to BHS again today, to collect the trousers I ordered online. They are the same design as my work trousers but a different colour, and I got them because I like my work trousers and wanted some for normal wear that weren't ingrained with the scent of chippy!

I took my camera to look for a Blip while I was out. It's really overcast today, and very warm and humid. It feels almost tropical! 

Jae and I have also been and put our X's in respective boxes. It's Jae's first ever vote! 

I voted to stay in. I did hmm and arr about it, there are pros and cons on both sides.There is an awful lot wrong with the EU, but to my mind there is no better option available currently. A lot of hyperbole has been spouted on both sides, and it's been hard to sort out the facts from the hype and scaremongering at times. 

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