The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Dark days to follow

Stroud voted Remain. 55 %. There was an 80% turnout

What irks me most about the result is that it appears to be a victory for ignorance and xenophobia. The two Polish people I know in this area work flipping hard, doing twelve hour shifts in the massive milk, cheese and dairy factory. Not only do they work through the night, but they also have to taste-test the sludgy drinks every twenty minutes. Both have young families to support. Would I do that job? Absolutely no way. Would you?

A Tom Russell song to follow:
Who's s gonna build your wall?
Trump wants to have a wall built in the border states of the US to keep the "illegals" out. When the Mexicans are banished, though, who will build the wall?

Disgusted of Stroud and Scotland.

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