Richard A. at the Three Gardens party

It has been rather a long day in which I had to wake early for a bath and gradual joining of the day before leaving to drive to Bristol for a training session. I arrived just in time at 10-30 and joined the other eight participants listening to Martin who told us how he makes a part of his living from selling his travel and other stock images. He was a very good guide through an intricate world and we all came away with plenty to think about.

I'd hoped to return to Stroud in time for a sight of a steam train rushing up the valley, but unfortunately it was  to cross the Cotswold hills on another line. At least that gave me time to prepare myself after coming home before we headed off to the famous Three Gardens party in the Uplands area of town. Our friend Camilla has one of the three houses where each year their owners join the terraced gardens together and invite a crowd of people to share food and drink and conviviality throughout the afternoon and evening.

We arrived in time for the magnificent spread of food and joined in the chat with countless old friends as well as new faces. I sat at various tables and at this one I was able to meet Richard whom I see far too little of these days. He said he didn't mind me taking a picture, so I took three pictures while he talked to woman sitting beside me, whom I hadn't met before. I forgot to ask J., who is sitting in the background, if he minded me taking a picture, but I don't think he will mind.  

I'm sure I'll visit Richard soon and we'll probably go to sit around at his allotment where we can drink tea and catch up a bit more. In theory I have more time these days, but they seem to be going by faster than ever.

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