Bug on a flower

Very tired today after a practically sleepless night. 6 o'clock came around far to quickly. Still, up and walked the dog. Had my protein shake for breakfast and then off to school.

A quiet Monday. Peggy (my boss) took me and Mo out for lunch, which was nice. It was good to have a girlie chat. Mo, I'll take you up on that offer, it'd be great to catch up during the break. There's a baby llama living in a field near Mo's house. Gotta get some pics of it.

Then off to church where there was heaps more singing than usual, which was good.

A potluck supper finished off the evening with lots of laughter and cake.

Bed time now. I WILL sleep tonight. I have decided.

Night all.

Oh, btw, there is a wee bug on the stamen of this flower. Thought it was quite neat since the flower itself is smaller than my little finger nail. A macro on a macro. :)

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