My contribution for the Abstract Thursday Challenge. Many thanks to youoregon1 for hosting. No theme for this day and since I am fascinated by reflections in water I choose to show the building reflected in the water of the harbour. It is actually a white building as all buildings in our town are, with only little exceptions. The building is a hotel, that the owner wanted to give it different destination, allowing refugees to live there. If that has happened already I don't know, since no new refugees have come to Germany.  I changed it in dark blue, and the yellow spots are leaves floating.
Narcissus was fascinated with his own reflection, and there is certainly  magic in reflection, as there is in shadows too.

A busy day in the garden, again. But we are nearly there.

My haiku:

Change colours if you
Dare from innocent white to
Dangerous dark blue

And the proverb:

True blue.

1600  Jonson, Cynth. Rev. V, i.

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