An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Well today was a tad on the busy side.

As I completed my Tesco order last night I realised that instead of booking the delivery for between 9 & 10am today, I'd booked it for between 8 & 9am!  The later slot was no longer available so there was nothing else for it but to be up, showered and dressed with the larks.

Delivery arrived at 8.10am, the same time as two van loads of builders, so  the driveway was a bit chaotic for a bit.

Managed to get most of the shopping away when Kirsty the dietician arrived to catch up with me and find out how things are going with Alan's gastrostomy tube.  We arranged dates for various things, the main one being when she will come out and change the current tube to a button, which will make life much easier.  Due to our holiday dates and hers, it won't happen till 21st September, but I am sure we will cope till then.

After chatting to me, she wanted to see Alan to check the tube site and he was very charming and happy to see her until she started poking his tummy around the tube site with her finger.  It was clearly uncomfortable and making him jump and wince but but it was over by the time I'd gathered myself to ask her to stop.  Poor boy needed painkillers after she'd gone and he was quite subdued for the rest of the day.

We've to start rotating the tube 360 degrees this weekend, just like you would an earring in a newly pierced ear.  I'm not looking forward to that.  I shall maybe delegate that task to his dad :-)

The good news is in spite of the prodding, he ate all his mac cheese for lunch, so that cheered me up.

After I gave Alan lunch I headed out to meet up with Gill to have lunch at a local cafe.  I went to her house to pick her up and started to get concerned when I got no reply.  Was just about to phone her when she phoned me to say she was already at the cafe.  I misread her text that she sent to say she would meet me there!

We spent three very pleasant hours chatting and eating healthy food (well apart from the raspberry and coconut cake and lattes, yes plural.  We had two each!)  

Checked my phone just before we left the cafe and saw there was a message from Alan's support worker Christine two hours earlier, saying she had the sudden onset of a migraine but didn't have any painkillers with her and did I have anything in the house she could take.  Felt so guilty that I hadn't noticed the text earlier.  Texted her back telling her where to get painkillers and rushed straight back.

Poor Christine.  She looked awful.  We debated whether she should just head straight home (she lives an hour away) or go and lie down for a while. In the end she decided to head home so I sent her away with a bottle of water and plastic bags incase she was sick.

Alan was a bit bemused by her sudden departure but he recovered enough to eat a huge plate of dinner, the most since his op, so again, that made me happy.

David got in from work and was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of work the builders got done today.  It's all starting to look like a building.

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