Tour d'Oudenbosch!

What did we chance upon when we went for our 'usual' ice-cream stroll?  A cycling marathon right on our main street!  These are the future of the cycling sport.  While a lot of it was local homegrown talent, there were also several from other provinces and regions.  Funny thing -- as they were gearing up to go and doing last-minute checks on their bikes and chatting with each other, I suddenly had the urge to get on my own bike and 'race'.  I think that that is the idea even with small events like this -- to urge one and all to take the bike out of the shed and give it a spin.  Not that no one is doing that, of course.  This being The Netherlands, where children learn to bike almost closely after they learn to walk, and the weather now being what it is, many are on their bikes these days, visiting family or shopping in some larger town where parking is a hassle, or just plain enjoying the weather and the natural scenic spots in the area.

More news on this coup, and somehow I have a really bad feeling about it.  There's just something about it that is making my hair stand on end.

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